June 6 through 7 1944
Gliders landing
On 6 and 7 June 1944, many gliders landed in Normandy after the paratroopers. As part of the first wave, the Chicago mission, which landed at 4.00 am, the 101st Airborne Division lost its Assistant Commander, Brigadier General Don F. PRATT, who died in the crash of his glider. PRATT, who died in the crash of his glider.
5 other missions followed until the morning of 7 June at around 9.00 am; they were code-named Detroit, Keokuk, Elmira, Galveston and Hackensack. In all, 512 CG4-A and Horsa AS51 gliders were used to reinforce the 82nd and 101st Airborne with more than 4,000 men, hundreds of jeeps and several tonnes of equipment.
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