July 9 1940

Training starts at Lawson Field

On July 9, 1940, an 8-week specific training course in packing and parachute jumping techniques began in an old hangar at Lawson Field on the vast Fort Benning estate.

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July 1st 1940

Volunteers selection for the Test Platoon

On July 1, 1940, 200 volunteers from the 29th Infantry Regiment were selected. After a series of tests, 46 soldiers and 2 officers were selected and placed under the authority of Major William C. LEE.

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June 25 1940

Major William C. Lee receives order to oversee the experimental platoon's formation

June 25 1940: Major William C. Lee receives order to oversee the experimental platoon’s formation, who settles among Fort Benning’s Infantry School

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April 1940

Experimental Parachute Test Platoon

In April 1940, a plan recommending the formation of an Experimental Parachute Test Platoon was approved by the Commander in Chief of the Infantry, Major General George A. Lynch.

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January 1940

The War Department

January 1940: The War Department authorizes the chief commander of the infantry to start a study on the development of airborne paratroopers.

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