Raymond T. CAREY Jr

  • Second Lieutenant

Registration numberO-1176572


Second Lieutenant

UnitBattery A / 319th Glider Field Artillery Battalion


82nd Airborne Division

date of death04/07/1944

Original cemeteryBlosville / Carquebut

Current cemeteryF-14-44 Normandy American Cemetery St-Laurent/Mer Omaha Beach France


The Bronze Star Medal is awarded to any member of the armed forces who has distinguished himself or herself by courage in action or merit in an operation against the enemy outside the air.

Campaign medal awarded for 30 consecutive days of service in Europe, Africa or the Middle East between December 7, 1941 and November 8, 1945.

The Purple Heart is awarded to any armed forces personnel injured or killed in action.

The decoration commemorates military service during World War II and is awarded to any member of the United States Army.

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