78th Anniversary of the Normandy D-Day
June 6th
Du 28 mai au 06 juin 2023
Vous l’attendiez depuis maintenant trop longtemps. Ce laps de temps anormal touche à sa fin. Dès la fin du mois de mai, les festivités du D-Day vont débuter, et compte tenu du contexte, le programme s’annonce très chargé, pour notre plaisir à tous.
You have all been waiting for it, just like us at the Museum. The wait is finally coming to its end. As soon as the end of May, the D-Day festivities will begin, and considering the context, the program is shaping up to be stacked!
You will find below the list of the events that will take place between May 28th and June 6th in Sainte-Mère-Eglise and the villages nearby. Keep in mind that this list is not yet complete, as the preparations are still going strong. Some schedules are subject to change and additional events may be added, so remember to check regularly for updates!
5:30pm: Peace Walk organized by the parrish of Notre-Dame. Starts from the Montebourg abbey
7pm: Dinner under the tent
10am-6pm: Book fair in Sainte-Mère-Eglise. Presence of french journalist Pierre Servent
6:30pm: Ceremony at the Bienaimé Agnès Monument of Beuzeville-au-Plain
8:30pm: Concert in Foucarville’s blockhaus
2:30pm: Closing of the bourg
5pm: Ceremony at the 3 Cimeteries Monument
5:30pm: Alexandre Renaud Monument
6pm: Airborne Monument
6:30pm: Drinks and dinner with local families for the 82nd paratroopers, in Sainte-Mère-Eglise
7pm: Madeeson and Co Guinguette in Ravenoville
8am-5pm: Military grant under the tent near the town hall, organized by the Club C47 Chapter
10am: Ceremony at the Gavin Monument
10:45am: Ceremony at the Mile Zero Monument
10am-12pm: Military vehicles exhibition by the Airborne Museum in Sainte-Mère-Eglise
12pm: Pastoral meal in Chef-du-Pont ; Picnic concert ; Guinguette
14h30 : 2:30pm: Ceremony at the Rex Combs Monument in Chef-du-Pont
4pm: AVA Memorial service in Sainte-Mère-Eglise church
7pm: Apero concert in Sainte-Mère-Eglise
9pm: « Normandy Jazz Patrol » concert
11pm: Research lighthouse demonstration
9am: Military vehicles parade on East sector
10am: Ceremony at the Monument du Camp des prisonnier in Foucarville
Historic Program – musical parade and american choir throughout the day in Sainte-Mère-Eglise:
12pm-5pm: Concert
5:15pm-6:15pm: City parade in Sainte-Mère-Eglise (roughly 800-1000 musicians)
7pm: AVA Liberty banquet (FULL)
9pm-10:30pm: Blue Grass Burger in Sainte-Mère-Eglise
10:45pm-12am: Big Dood & Hot Swingers concert in Sainte-Mère-Eglise
9:30am-10:45am: Civilian parachutage in La Fière
10am-12pm: Military vehicles exhibition by the Airborne Museum in Sainte-Mère-Eglise
11am-2pm: West Celtic Pipes & Drums concert
11am-1pm: Military parachutage in La Fière
4pm: Official ceremony at Iron Mike Monument on US paratroopers Memorial Park, in La Fière
5pm-6pm: Return of the troops in Sainte-Mère-Eglise ; Concert by Gwenaëlle le Grand
9pm-10:15: Mary Lou concert
10:30pm-11:50pm: Reload concert
11:55pm: Fireworks
10am: Second ceremony at the Iron Mike monument of La Fière with a detachment from the 82nd Airborne and the exceptional presence of the famous music of the Legion Etrangère and the choir of the students from the military academy of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan
10am: AVA memorial service in Sainte-Mère-Eglise church
10am-12pm: Military vehicles exhibition by the Airborne Museum in Sainte-Mère-Eglise
12pm: Picnic on the church place in Sainte-Mère-Eglise ; Ducky Jim Trio concert
1:30pm: American football match in Chef-du-Pont between the 82nd and the 101st Airborne
2:30pm:Choir of the students of Saint-Cyr at the church of Sainte-Mère-Eglise
3pm: Peace concert
3:30pm: Performance of the Legion Etrangère in the Airborne Museum
5:30pm: Official ceremony at Signal Monument on Sainte-Mère-Eglise square
6:30pm: Unveiling of the Roosevelt statue
8:30pm: Reopening of the bourg
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