Season 2025 opening

Le 01 février à 10:00
Après une année 2024 marquée par l’achèvement du projet d’extension-rénovation Airborne 1964-2024 et le 80ème anniversaire, qui a permis à l’Airborne Museum de réaliser la meilleure fréquentation de son histoire, place à la saison 2025, qui réserve elle aussi son lot de surprises.
After a 2024 marked by the completion of the Airborne 1964-2024 extension-renovation project and the 80th anniversary, which saw the Airborne Museum achieve its best-ever attendance figures, the 2025 season also has its share of surprises in store.
2024, a historical year
Last year, the Normandy region came alive with two weeks of commemorations and festivities marking 80 years since June 6, 1944. An unprecedented event in the history of tradition, which attracted nearly 2 million visitors to the Carentan-Utah-Sainte-Mère-Eglise triangle, for example. At the same time, the Airborne Museum celebrated its 60th anniversary, with the inauguration of its fifth building, and the renovation of the Occupation building. At the end of a year like no other, the results were indisputable. With 288,000 visitors, it was the best year in the museum’s history.
The new temporary exhibition
After the traditional winter closure, the Airborne Museum reopens its doors and begins the 2025 season this Saturday, February 1, with opening hours from 10am to 6pm, and with one date in particular in its sights – April 10: the opening of its new temporary exhibition. “Les parachutistes français au cours de la guerre d’Indochine (1944-1954)” (French paratroopers in the Indochina war (1944-1954)) is an original creation by the museum, bringing together a multitude of rare objects, often by name, and chronicling this conflict related to the Second World War in the history of France.
The Diptyque #5
But before that, it’s time for Diptyque #5! Over the weekend of March 22 and 23, master lecturer Elvire Guillaud and harmonica player Greg Zlap will perform at the museum and château de Sébeville respectively.
The 81st anniversary of D-Day
Last but not least, we must mention the 81st anniversary, which will be more compact than the previous one, but will also have its own symbolism: the international ceremony will take place on Utah Beach, a relatively uncommon event, and a cause for rejoicing.
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